Tuesday, November 16, 2010



  1. @Anonymous,
    Firstly, you can't spell. Secondly, you're not the one going through what she's going through, so you're in no position at all to comment on that. And your sister is dying from cancer, yes, I agree, she's suffering, but that's the extreme of things. I'm depressed as well as Eliza and it's a serious thing, so I don't understand why you're treating it like it's some little kid's lollipop that just fell on the ground – it's a serious disorder.
    So if you're going to go complain about other peoples' depression, at least use proper spelling and grammar.

  2. I love that picture. It's beautiful and sad. That's what I really love about your graphics. They evoke emotion.

  3. Life doesn't suck.. it may seem like that sometimes but it doesnt :)

    And this graphic is really good :)
